jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Chapter 10

The Last of the Mohicans

The Delawares warriors wanted to kill Uncas but they soon discovered that Uncas was the son of Chingachgook. He was the last of the Mohicans. So the Delawares didn´t kill him. However, Magua took Cora because he told the Delawares that she was his wife. Cora and Magua left the Delaware´s village. The chief of the Delawares called ``Tamenund´´ decided to fight against the Hurons and Magua.
Suddenly, Gamut appeared and told them that there were a lot of the Hurons inside the forest.
The Delawares and Hurons fought each other violently inside the forest and manu Hurons and Delaware warriors died.
Cora didn´t want to run away with Magua and one of the Hurons killed her. Magua stabbed Uncas and Uncas died.
While Magua was trying to escape on the top of a mountain, Hawk-eye shot Magua and Magua fell down.
Next day, everybody was sad. The Delawares had defeated the Hurons but the whole tribe had to mourn the deaths of Uncas and Cora. Tamenund said he had lived to see the last of the Mohicans.

Justly, moderately
The reason was solved fairly
To drag
To pull strongly
The Indian began to drag her after him
To stab
To push a knife into someone
They stab a knife for the back
To mourn
Lamentar, llorar la muerte de algn
To be sad because someone has died
They mourned the loss of his daughter

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