sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Chapter 2

The Indians (Hawk-eye, Uncas and Chingachgook) were the Mohicans and indian tribe.
They decided to help Cora, Alice, Gamut and Duncan  Heyward. They croseed the river towards a waterfall. Behind the waterfall, there was a cave where the Mohicans lived. They had dinner and slept there.
Next day, some Hurons (a dangerous tribe) wanted to kill them. The Mohicans fought and killed them. However, the Hurons had stolen the canoe of the Mohicans. Food and bullets were in the canoe so they couldn´t leave the cave.
Finally, the girls said that the Mohicans had to go to Fort William Henry to look for help. The girls stayed in the cave with Gamut waiting for help.


To led


Llevar, conducir

To go in front for others to follow

I led them to the waterfall

To reach


Llegar a

To arrive at or get to in the course of movement or action

They reached an incredible place



Solitario, solo

Resulting from the state of being alone

I sometimes feel lonely

 To steer


Conducir, navegar

Move a boat to left or right

They steer the little boat




A large piece of thick cloth

They hid under the blankets

 To wrestle



To fight with your hands

They hid under the blankets

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