lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

An opinion essay-Online shopping is better than high street shopping?


Online shopping is very fashionable nowadays.
However, I find more disadvantages than advantages in this way of shopping.

First, online shopping may be very fast and confortable. However, buying clothes is difficult because of troubles with sizes.
Second, if you buy online, refunds are very complex.
Third, buying online is not safe. You can be tricked so you must assure you are buying in a proper site. It is advisable to be careful when giving the numbers of credit cards.

To sum up, I believe that high street shopping is safer than online shopping because of the disadvantages that I mentioned before.
In addition, high street shopping will never be substituted by online shopping.


2 comentarios:

  1. Punctuation:
    nowadays. However, ....
    with sizes. Second, if you ...
    very complex. Third, buying ...
    before. In addition, high ...
    confortable --- comfortable
    buying clothes is difficult because of troubles with sizes.--- It is difficult to get the right size when buying online.
    RIQUEZA: 1,5
    Mark: 6
