martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

A `for and against´essay: Advantages and disadvantages of turism

Nowadays, a lot of people only see positive aspects regarding tourism. However, we have to consider negative aspects too.

On the one hand, tourism creates employment and improves the economy of the country. In addition, tourism is in relation with the increase of facilities, hotels, improvements in cities. This is very valuable for a country .

On the other hand, tourism is also joined to environmental problems. Cities and villages are sometimes spoilt due to massive counstruction of hotels, appartments or buildings above all in coastal areas. What´s more, tourists create rubbish, riots or noise. This way  be a problem.

All in all, despite the negative effects of tourism, I personally think that  tourism is essential for a country as ours with so many unemployment problems.

1 comentario:

  1. very valuable --- remarkably valuable (Intensifiers)
    COHESIÓN: 2,5
    RIQUEZA: 2,5
    Mark: 10
