lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

A `for and against´essay: Camping holidays are better than hotel holidays

Nowadays, camping holidays are fashionable because of economic crisis. However, we should mention that this kind of holidays has some advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, camping holidays are stunning for children. They can stay in the nature and play all the time outdoors. In addition, camping holidays are resonably priced so a lot of people could afford them.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. One of them is the weather. In some places, camping holidays can become hard due to stormy weather or cold temperatures at night.
Another important disadvantage is facilities. Facilities can be a nuisance in camping holidays if we speak about bathrooms.

To sum up, camping holidays may be a good idea for children. Nevertheless, I personally prefer hotel holidays.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

A `for and against´essay: Advantages and disadvantages of turism

Nowadays, a lot of people only see positive aspects regarding tourism. However, we have to consider negative aspects too.

On the one hand, tourism creates employment and improves the economy of the country. In addition, tourism is in relation with the increase of facilities, hotels, improvements in cities. This is very valuable for a country .

On the other hand, tourism is also joined to environmental problems. Cities and villages are sometimes spoilt due to massive counstruction of hotels, appartments or buildings above all in coastal areas. What´s more, tourists create rubbish, riots or noise. This way  be a problem.

All in all, despite the negative effects of tourism, I personally think that  tourism is essential for a country as ours with so many unemployment problems.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

An opinion essay-Online shopping is better than high street shopping?


Online shopping is very fashionable nowadays.
However, I find more disadvantages than advantages in this way of shopping.

First, online shopping may be very fast and confortable. However, buying clothes is difficult because of troubles with sizes.
Second, if you buy online, refunds are very complex.
Third, buying online is not safe. You can be tricked so you must assure you are buying in a proper site. It is advisable to be careful when giving the numbers of credit cards.

To sum up, I believe that high street shopping is safer than online shopping because of the disadvantages that I mentioned before.
In addition, high street shopping will never be substituted by online shopping.


sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

Impressions about the book

``The Last of the Mohicans´´ was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826.The novel is set in E.E.U.U and it reflects the war between France and England.
In my point of view, the plot is so exciting and violent at the same time. I think that the book is well written too.
The novel reads easily and I have learnt new vocabulary which I didn´t know previously. Everybody should read this novel because it is so gripping.
Apart from the written novel, there is a film versión of the book. It seems to me that the book is better than the film.
In this video, you can see the final scene of the film:

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Chapter 10

The Last of the Mohicans

The Delawares warriors wanted to kill Uncas but they soon discovered that Uncas was the son of Chingachgook. He was the last of the Mohicans. So the Delawares didn´t kill him. However, Magua took Cora because he told the Delawares that she was his wife. Cora and Magua left the Delaware´s village. The chief of the Delawares called ``Tamenund´´ decided to fight against the Hurons and Magua.
Suddenly, Gamut appeared and told them that there were a lot of the Hurons inside the forest.
The Delawares and Hurons fought each other violently inside the forest and manu Hurons and Delaware warriors died.
Cora didn´t want to run away with Magua and one of the Hurons killed her. Magua stabbed Uncas and Uncas died.
While Magua was trying to escape on the top of a mountain, Hawk-eye shot Magua and Magua fell down.
Next day, everybody was sad. The Delawares had defeated the Hurons but the whole tribe had to mourn the deaths of Uncas and Cora. Tamenund said he had lived to see the last of the Mohicans.

Justly, moderately
The reason was solved fairly
To drag
To pull strongly
The Indian began to drag her after him
To stab
To push a knife into someone
They stab a knife for the back
To mourn
Lamentar, llorar la muerte de algn
To be sad because someone has died
They mourned the loss of his daughter

Chapter 9

The Hurons guards discover that had dissapeared and instead of Uncas, they saw Gamut. They didn´t pay attention to Gamut and he ran away.
The Hurons discovered that Magua was tied and they untied him. Magua and the Hurons decided to go to the village of the Delawares. Magua thinks that Hawk-eye is there hidden with the Delawares.
Meanwhile, Chingachgook and Munro were hidden inside an old big beaver´s log.
Magua and the Hurons went to the village and asked the Delawares if Hawk-eye was there.
Cora, Alice and Heyward were there and Magua saw Hawk-eye too. Magua wanted to take Hawk-eye back but the Delawares people didn´t agree with Magua.


A piece of cloth or rope stuffed into or tied across the mouth
They place a gag in the mouth and in the hands
Pabellón de casa, pesca, etc
House that a beaver makes for itself from wooden sticks
They saw the lodge from the canoe
Good for cutting with
They had a dangerous sharp knife

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Chapter 8

Heyward was a medicine man now so the Hurons asked him to help an ill indian woman. Magua discovered that Uncas was the prisioner of the Hurons. He was happy.
Suddenly when Heyward went into a cave to help the sick woman, he saw a bear. The bear was a suit and inside, Heyward saw his friend Hawk-eye. Heyward and Hawk-eye, with the help of Gamut, found Alice. They rescued her and Magua was tied with ropes. Alice was covered with a blanket and Heyward and Hawk-eye said to the sick woman´s husband that they needed medecines from the forest so Heyward, Hawk-eye and the girl covered with the blanket ran to the forest.
Hawk-eye with his disguise of bear went to rescue Uncas. The men who guarded the prisión let him in because they thought Hawk-eye was a medecine man. Uncas took Hawk-eye´s disguise of bear and Hawk-eye exchanged clothes with Gamut. Both men disguise left the place without problems.


To gag
To tie something across someone´s mouth to stop them from speaking
They gagged the girl sharply
Tonto, loco
A stupid person
He was a fool person!
 To exchange
Cambiar algo (con álguien)
To give something and to get something different back
We exchange the chromes of football
To growl
To make a deep, angry noise
The dog growled fiercely

Chapter 7

Hawk-eye, the Mohicans, Heyward and Munro were following the tracks searching Cora and Alice. Suddenly, they saw an Indian figure. Hawk-eye approached to this figure and he discovered that the indian figure was in fact Gamut. The Hurons didn´t kill him because they thought he was crazy.
Gamut told the Mohicans that the girls were not in danger. Cora was with a trib past the mountain.
Heyward had a plan. He painted his face so he would pretend to be a crazy french actor ( a Gamut´s friend) in order to enter  the village.
Finally, Heyward and Gamut got into the village. While they were there, they discovered that Uncas
and another Huron were prisioners of this tribe. This tribe killed the Huron but they didn´t kill Uncas.


This comes from the tail of a bird
She had a feather in the hair
A brown animal with big front teeth and a flat tail that lives in lakes
The place was built by beavers
Más allá (de)
To point on the other side
We were beyond the problem
To trip
To fall because something is in front of your feet
On having been walking, I tripped over a stone
Clever, intelligent
He seems to me a really wise person